A.C. Casino Workers Wanted Harris to Support Smoking Ban

Vice President Kamala Harris (l.) came to Atlantic City to participate in an abortion roundtable. Supporters of a ban to close the smoking loophole hoped Harris would say something in solidarity of the cause.

For months, local and national groups have joined forces in an effort to close the loophole that permits smoking on sections of Atlantic City casino floors. A little more than half of the state legislature has co-sponsored the legislation, but it has yet to pass.

Then the Veep, Vice President Kamala Harris, came into town to attend a roundtable on abortion at the NAACP convention, according to New Jersey Globe.

The anti-smoking contingent hoped Harris would comment, a voice which could reflect far greater exposure than another state Senator. She did not.

“No worker should have to decide between a paycheck and their health – or their unborn child’s health,” said Nicole Vitola of Casino Employees Against Smoking Effects (CEASE)

Vitola pointed out that 45 percent of casino workers are people of color, meaning that group is disproportionately harmed by second-hand smoke, and also drew specific attention to the plight of pregnant workers.

“Vice President Harris should know that as she meets with legislators about reproductive rights and health in Atlantic City today, pregnant casino workers are still forced to breathe secondhand smoke,” she said.