Online Gaming Spikes in India

Online gaming in India has seen a notable boost since the onset of the coronavirus. One online poker operator has registered a 10 percent increase in customers, and more online play during the day.

Indian online gaming operators have seen a significant uptick since the coronavirus outbreak, according to Asia Gaming Brief.

Sudhir Kamath, CEO and co-founder of 9stacks, an online poker platform, told local newspaper the Hindu that he’s seen a 10 percent gain in the number of concurrent users and a boost in play during the daytime hours.

“Usually evenings/nights are the busiest times for us, but in the last few days we’re seeing more people playing during the day as well,” Kamath said.

Adda52, an online poker website, says it has seen the average time spent by a user every day on their platform grow by 18 percent over the past couple of weeks. The number of daily active users also grew 12 percent since March 10.

MPL (Mobile Premier League), a mobile e-sports platform saw a 400 per cent increase in the number of daily gameplays for the WCC (World Cricket Championship) game, between March 2 and March 18. While social gaming platform, Hello Play, run by Mech Mocha, a Bengaluru-based company, saw a 15 percent increase in the time spent per daily active user, the newspaper reports.