Mohegan Sun Sues NHL Owner Over Bounced Bank Draft

The Mohegan Sun Casino in Connecticut has sued Ottawa Senators owner Eugene Melnyk (l.) over $900,000 it says he owes it. The casino claims he wrote five bank drafts two years ago that weren’t honored.

The Mohegan Sun has sued the NHL Ottawa Senators owner Eugene Melnyk over five bank drafts worth more than $900,000 that the tribal casino alleges he wrote but which were dishonored by a Toronto Bank. He wrote the bank drafts over one weekend in March 2017. The casino filed suit in July.

A bank draft differs from a check in that payment is guaranteed by the issuer after a review of the account to determine if there are sufficient funds available is completed.

The casino seeks the money plus $15,000 in damages, costs and interest. Melnyk’s attorney offered no comment aside from the expectation of a “swift result,” according to CBC.