Missouri Sports Betting Bill Pre-Filed

A bill allowing sports betting at riverboat casinos and online has been pre-filed by Missouri state Senator Denny Hoskins (l.). Sports betting revenue would go toward education, veterans programs and infrastructure improvements at sports venues. The measure "puts reasonable regulations to monitor sports betting to make it legal in the state of Missouri," Hoskins said.

Missouri state Senator Denny Hoskins recently pre-filed Senate Bill 44, which would allow sports betting at riverboat casinos and also online after an individual establishes an account in-person at a casino. “Here in Missouri, we definitely want to be in the mix of states that offer legalized sports gambling. We don’t want to be the last one to the table and lose out on that additional revenue,” he said.

Sports betting revenue would go to education and veterans programs, as well as infrastructure improvements at sports venues around the state, Hoskins said. “Those infrastructure improvements either could be on the inside or the outside of those facilities. Jobs would go into making all the infrastructure so that fans can create an experience going into the game,” he stated.

Hoskins added, “Senate Bill 44 puts reasonable regulations to monitor sports betting to make it legal in the state of Missouri. I think that there’s a lot of momentum in getting something done and getting something passed.”

The Missouri 2019 General Assembly will convene on January 9th.