Minnesota state Rep. Pat Garofalo recently led a delegation of three dozen state lawmakers, legislative staff and lobbyists to the Diamond Jo Casino in Northwood, Iowa to observe the FanDuel Sportsbook that opened August 15. “Iowa is well positioned due to Minnesota’s lack of action. And you’re going to see a steady increase in Minnesotans choosing to spend their entertainment dollars in Iowa as opposed to Minnesota,” Garofalo said.
Opponents of legal sports betting include state Rep. Josh Heintzeman. He said, “My concern is accessibility. It’s one more challenge families face,” referring to the temptations young man typically face.
Along on the trip to Iowa, for which travelers paid $20 each, was Republican lobbyist Brian McDaniel, whose firm Franzen-Moore represents the Running Aces Casino & Racetrack in Columbus. Comparing legal sports betting to Sunday liquor sales, he said although that issue was a winner in public opinion surveys, it still took years to pass the legislature due to strong opposition. “Like marijuana, it’s gonna happen. It’s just a matter of when,” he said.
State Senator Karla Bigham, co-author of sports betting legislation with state Senator Roger Chamberlain, Taxes Committee chairman, also took the trip to Iowa. She said, “We’re one of the few states with a professional team in every league, and it feels like we’re not moving forward with something that would be a natural fit.”
State Rep. Jon Koznick, also along for the trip, said he’s still on the fence about legalizing sports betting in Minnesota.