Construction and renovations are currently ongoing at Caesars’ new Horseshoe Casino in Westlake, Louisiana, which is a rebranding of the former Isle of Capri riverboat casino.
The new property will be land-based, according to the company. Covid impacts and hurricanes in the region have already delayed progress significantly, but there is optimism that Horseshoe may be ready to open by year’s end.
Jeff Favre, Horseshoe’s senior vice president and general manager, told local outlet KPLC that he will “certainly welcome the day when we reopen, which will be in the near future.”
Favre noted that just about every facet of the property is being renovated or rebuilt—”“We’ll have a new bar. The pool is getting redone, like I said the hotel is getting renovated,” he said. “We’ll have some new retail space. We are definitely on the other side of the mountain. We can see the light at the end of the tunnel, we are very excited about that and look forward to it.”
The old inn hotel that formerly sat across from the riverboat has been demolished, according to Favre. The new property will be all-inclusive, and will include a sports betting area in addition to the casino.
No media has been allowed inside the facility as of yet, but Favre is confident that all will come together before the start of next year.