Disney Gives $500,000 More To Initiative

Disney Worldwide Services recently gave $500,000 to Voters In Charge, a Florida political committee collecting signatures to place on the November 2018 ballot a constitutional amendment giving voters the exclusive right to authorize casino gambling. Previously, since April, Disney gave the group $1 million.

In July, Disney Worldwide Services contributed another $500,000 to a ballot initiative for a proposed constitutional amendment giving voters the “exclusive right to decide whether to authorize casino gambling” in Florida. According to the Florida Division of Elections, since April, Disney has contributed $1.5 million to Voters In Charge, the political committee behind the push to place the issue on the November 2018 ballot.

This spring the Florida Supreme Court approved the proposal’s ballot wording. Now Voters In Charge is collecting qualified signatures to be placed on the ballot; it has submitted 151,476 signatures and needs to submit a total of 766,200 valid petition signatures.

Last month Voters In Charge spent $282,305, mostly on petition gathering and verification.