Atlantic City Convention Center Chefs Join Forces to Prepare Thanksgiving Meal

Atlantic City Convention Center Chefs Join Forces to Prepare Thanksgiving Meal for the Atlantic City Rescue Mission and the Salvation Army

Spectra by Comcast Spectacor, which provides Venue Management and Food Services & Hospitality to Boardwalk Hall and the Atlantic City Convention Center, is once again giving back to the Atlantic City community this Thanksgiving holiday. Executive Chef George Fisher and his staff will prepare Thanksgiving dinner to serve to local community members in need including nearly 1,000 homeless at the Atlantic City Rescue Mission as well as 500 others at the Salvation Army located on Texas Avenue.

For the past four years, Spectra’s Fisher has led the charge preparing Thanksgiving dinner for the Atlantic City Rescue Mission while Spectra’s Michael D’Angelo, Pastry Chef of the Atlantic City Convention Center and Boardwalk Hall, has organized Thanksgiving dinner for the local Salvation Army. This year they are teaming up to do the cooking for both organizations in the kitchen at the Atlantic City Convention Center. Led by Chef George, additional volunteers including chefs from the local casinos and members of the Professional Chefs Association of South Jersey will be assisting with the dinner preparations.

In addition to the Thanksgiving Day meal for the Atlantic City Rescue Mission and the Salvation Army, Spectra chefs will be making Thanksgiving side dishes and donating turkeys to Sister Jean’s Kitchen and the Ronald McDonald house in Philadelphia.

The cooking begins on Monday, November 20 and will run through Wednesday, November 22. The team will prepare oven roasted turkey with giblet gravy, Virginia baked ham, corn, fresh made cranberry relish, and dessert rolls at the Atlantic City Convention Center. The meal will be served on Thanksgiving Day from noon through 6 p.m. at the Rescue Mission and at 4 p.m. at the Salvation Army. All food has been donated by local casinos, food vendors, and Spectra Food Services & Hospitality.

“This is my fourth year involved with the Atlantic City Rescue Mission’s Thanksgiving Holiday and this year we are excited to also be able to help those at the Salvation Army, Sister Jean’s Kitchen and the Ronald McDonald House,” said Spectra’s George Fisher, Executive Chef of the Atlantic City Convention Center and Boardwalk Hall. “Local vendors like the Tropicana, who donated a truck of supplies this year, and our local chef’s donate their time and skills to prepare these meals.  It’s very moving how many people come together to make feeding more than 2,000 people between the four locations possible.”

Those looking to support this initiative and other events throughout the year please visit the “AC Chefs on a Mission” Facebook page which has been created to help promote and generate awareness for donations and volunteers. Contributions can be made to the Atlantic City Rescue Mission online at and food donations can be made to the Mission at 2009 Bacharach Blvd. in Atlantic City.

Boardwalk Hall and the Atlantic City Convention Center are owned and funded by the New Jersey Casino Reinvestment Development Authority (CRDA). Spectra by Comcast Spectacor provides both Venue Management and Food Services & Hospitality to Boardwalk Hall and the Atlantic City Convention Center.